A new version v1.52 of the Personal Trade Copier is available.
This works round a bug in the new v600 of MT4 where an EA's initialisation routine can corrupt its string memory, particularly
if the EA is already attached to a chart when MT4 (re-)starts up. Previous versions of the Copier can report
message-corruption errors on v600. (The error messages are logged by the receiver EA, but the issue is in fact in the sender EA.)
(The bug in MT4 v600 seems to be related to the fact that v600 can call the init() function in an EA multiple times,
particularly when starting up with the EA already attached to a chart. These calls to init() can be concurrent, and
this seems to corrupt the EA's memory, particularly if the EA carries out any string operations in init(). This is clearly
a bug in MT4 v600: init() should only be called once, and problems are arising from the fact that MT4 calls it multiple times.
This is related to, but separate from, similar bugs which were reported to MetaQuotes during beta-testing.)
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