Register with FX Blue

To use this service, you need to:

  1. Register with FX Blue
  2. Verify your phone number

Terms and privacy policy

Please check our terms & conditions and our privacy policy before continuing to register. By continuing to register, you consent to these terms.

Your details

Please enter your email address. We will send a registration code to this address.

* Email address:

Please choose a password (minimum 6 characters).

* Password:

You can either choose a username, or leave this blank and have one allocated automatically. Usernames can be changed later if required. Letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores only.


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Please enter the code which our provider has sent to your phone.

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You can log in to your existing account. You can then add extra usernames for uploading additional trading results.

New Registration

Or you can create a second registration using the same email address. You will have two separate usernames.